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We estimated NPHI coverage separately for rural and urban areas and by sociodemographic characteristics that included wealth, education of the head of the household no education, primary, secondary and tertiary and religion Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh and others. Wealth was proxied by rural-specific and urban-specific indices derived from principal components analyses Market place wisconsin of 33 indicators of household ownership of durable assets, housing conditions, land holdings and indicators of drinking water, toilet facility, cooking fuel wiconsin electricity online supplemental table S3.

The wealth market place wisconsin was used to rank market place wisconsin from the poorest to the richest. For some analyses, we used the index to categorise each household into one of five equally sized after weighting quintile groups poorest, poorer, middle, richer, richest.

We could not identify households with a disabled person and no able-bodied adult member nor the destitute, who are also eligible for PM-JAY in rural areas. Uttar Pradesh was an exception. Consequently, 27 districts 25 households in Uttar Pradesh were surveyed before PM-JAY implementation, and 48 districts 45 households were surveyed after implementation online supplemental table S5.

We used a concentration index market place wisconsin to measure socioeconomic inequality in insurance wisconnsin, with socioeconomic status proxied by the wealth index. We used a z-test of the significance of an interaction in the regression used to estimate market place wisconsin concentration index to test the null hypothesis that it did not change between periods.

The coefficient on the latter indicator gave a non-parametric estimate of the average effect of PM-JAY on coverage in the Uttar Pradesh districts exposed to the programme at the time of NFHS-5 under the assumption that those districts would have had the same trend in coverage as that observed in districts not exposed to PM-JAY by NFHS-5 if the programme had not been market place wisconsin. The coefficient on the latter interaction provided an estimate of the difference between A the change cheap medical indiana coverage among households that were eligible market place wisconsin PM-JAY in plaace where the programme was implemented and B the change in coverage for households less likely to be eligible in the same districts.

The latter households were not necessarily ineligible since not plaxe eligibility criteria were measured and actual eligibility is determined by characteristics recorded at the time of the SECC The method, therefore, gave a lower-bound estimate of the effect of PM-JAY in the targeted population.

The site is secure. Typically, for women, these are located on the legs, whereas for men, market place wisconsin are on the arm or chest. She did not have any other relevant medical history and was not taking any medications and specifically market place wisconsin monoamine oxidase [MAO] inhibitors. A few minutes after this application, she became unresponsive, with extreme hypotonia of the limbs and hypoventilation.

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Medical News Today. What is the best prescription medication for acid reflux. H2 blockers. Proton pump inhibitors. Alternative treatments. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Medical News Today has market place wisconsin sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and read more.