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Constitution's 10th Amendment protection against the commandeering of state law enforcement resources. The Affordable Care Act sets an array of federal standards for insurers that sell products in both the individual and group health insurance markets, as well as click here certain limited exceptions not relevant to the topic of this article for self-insured group health benefit plans sponsored by employers subject to the Employee Retirement Income Act.
Thus, the Act bans lifetime and most annual dollar coverage limitations, the use of preexisting condition exclusions, and excessive waiting periods i. The law also guarantees the right to mercy health dry ridge family medicine and external impartial appeal procedures when coverage is denied, and requires insurers to cover routine medical care as part of clinical trials involving cancer and life-threatening illnesses.
Of particular note in a public health context is the extent to which the Act regulates the content and design of coverage itself. Preventive Services Task Force; immunizations recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Read more and other preventive services for children, adolescents, and women identified by the Health Resources and Services Administration.
This requirement begins with the first plan year that occurs after September 23, six months after the date of enactment. The Act also encourages employers to undertake workplace check this out activities that promote and incentivize actual health outcomes.
Wellness activities need not be limited to the mercy health dry ridge family medicine of participating in wellness programs but can mercy health dry ridge family medicine incentives aimed at actually achieving improved health results.
Beyond subsidizing coverage and regulating the insurance and group health plan markets, the Affordable Care Act creates state health insurance Exchanges for both individuals and businesses.
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