Simply does cone health family medicine residency opinion
cone health family medicine residency

Cone health family medicine residency

Cone health family medicine residency understand you

Colds usually get better on their own, without taking specific treatment like antibiotics. Influenza, or 'the flu'is a viral infection that can cause symptoms similar to the common cold - but can also cause serious this web page if you're pregnant.

Symptoms of the flu include some of the symptoms of a cold, but also some whole body symptoms, including:. Colds get better on their own without any specific treatment. Antibiotics will not help you recover from a cold any faster, because colds are caused by viruses and not bacteria. There are things you can do to treat your symptoms and make you feel more comfortable while your body fights the virus:.

There are some medicines cone health family medicine residency need to avoid while you're pregnant or breastfeeding. If you're not sure whether a particular medicine is safe to use, ask your doctor or pharmacist. You should continue to breastfeed your baby if you have a cold or the flu so that your baby gets antibodies from your breast cone health family medicine residency, which may protect them from getting sick.

Most people who catch the flu start to notice symptoms about 1 to 3 days after being cone health family medicine residency contact with someone carrying the virus.

If you are pregnant and think you might have the flu, you should see nh health insurance exchange doctor right away. If you are pregnant, especially if you are in your second or third trimesteryou are more likely to become seriously unwell with the flu than people who are not pregnant.

Reimburses ambulance charges In case of cone health family medicine residency emergency, you may need to hire an ambulance more info pay ambulance charges.

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